Where intellectualism, religion, and randomness coalesce. Will they form something new?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

An Inkling; nay, a grain of a plan on what is planned ahead

*gasp* yet another post`by me... this has GOT to be the highest post/month ratio, ever! I'm just giving you guys that care about me a picture of what I plan to write about. Spring break (~1.5 weeks! hooah!) is close, and with that comes free time. As such, without further ado, I present to you a plan.

1. Stuff about love, but it ain't the stuff you might expect.
2. More Church stuff. Institutional and otherwise.
3. A certain problem often mistaken for love, and the problems it causes.
4. Fear. Yes, folks, fear is fun. Once again, expectations might be ruined.
5. Language and Bipartisanship - a paper I wrote a while back, but now revised and re-edited. Possibly the first and last political thing I'll do. Policy may change without notice.

And there you have it. If you don't see my posts by May 15th-ish, you're welcome to kick me and get me to start working.

Anyways, back to my cave for papers. Isn't school fun?


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