An Inkling; nay, a grain of a plan on what is planned ahead
*gasp* yet another post`by me... this has GOT to be the highest post/month ratio, ever! I'm just giving you guys that care about me a picture of what I plan to write about. Spring break (~1.5 weeks! hooah!) is close, and with that comes free time. As such, without further ado, I present to you a plan.
1. Stuff about love, but it ain't the stuff you might expect.
2. More Church stuff. Institutional and otherwise.
3. A certain problem often mistaken for love, and the problems it causes.
4. Fear. Yes, folks, fear is fun. Once again, expectations might be ruined.
And there you have it. If you don't see my posts by May 15th-ish, you're welcome to kick me and get me to start working.
Anyways, back to my cave for papers. Isn't school fun?
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